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Teaching Highlights


Recognition and Awards for Teaching and Advising Effectiveness


  • Alumni Award for Teaching Excellence (Fall 2024)

  • XCaliber award for technology enriched teaching and learning (Sp. 2024)

  • Dean’s list for teaching excellence (2022/2023 and 2023/2024 academic years)





I teach a combined upper division undergraduate and graduate level class called urban water sustainability (CEE 4394/5390) every spring semester. The class addresses several topics in urban water sustainability, including climate change and the supply of freshwater, benefits and co-benefits of stormwater capture and reuse, decentralized water and wastewater treatment systems, fit-for-purpose water, wastewater recycling, and environmental water allocation. All topics are addressed through a coupled social-ecological-engineering lens.


I also teach a data analytics special study course every other Fall semester (Data Analysis for Environmental Science and Engineering; CEE 5984). The course covers a range of data curation and analysis techniques including 1) graphical interpretation of data (biplots, path diagrams etc.), 2) regression (MLR and GLM), 3) resampling-based statistics for quantifying statistical confidence, and 4) multivariate statistics, including principal component analysis, correspondence analysis, cluster analysis, and structural equation modeling. The course is computer intensive and requires using Matlab and R to complete assignments.


At the undergraduate level I teach CEE 3804 (Computer Applications for Civil and Environmental Engineers) every Fall semester. This course provides an introduction to computer applications in civil and environmental engineering. Design, data management, computer programming and problem-solving skills are integrated with computer tools and techniques. Course topics include: systems analysis, optimization, database management, computer programming and data structures.


I also supervise the Virginia Tech Civil and Environmental Engineering Seminar (Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2025).



Virginia Tech

© 2018  Megan Rippy

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