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Fausey, K., *Rippy, M.A., Pierce, G., Feldman, D., Winfrey, B., Mehring, A., Levin, L., Holden, P., Bowler, P., Ambrose, R. 2024. Ecosystem service values support conservation and sustainable land development: Perspectives from four University of California campuses. Ecological Engineering 208, 107379


Krauss, L. *Rippy, M.A. 2024. Plant adaptive strategy influences hydrologic services provisioning by stormwater bioretention. Ecological Engineering 198, 108148.


*Misra, S., Rippy, M.A., Grant, S.B. 2024. Analyzing knowledge integration in convergence research. Environmental Science and Policy 162, 103902.


Monofy, A., *Grant, S.B., Boano, F., Rippy, M.A., Gomez-Velez, J.D., Kaushal, S.S., Hotchkiss, E., Shelton, S. 2024. Towards a universal model of hyporheic exchange and nutrient exchange in streams. AGU Advances. 5, e2024AV001373.


Malin, J.T., *Kaushal, S.S., Mayer, P.M., Maas, C.M., Hohman, S.P., Rippy, M.A. 2024. Longitudinal stream synoptic (LSS) monitoring to evaluate water quality in restored streams. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196,


Shelton, S., *Kaushal, S.S., Mayer, P.M., Shatkay, R.S., Rippy, M.A., Grant, S.B., Newcomer-Johnson, T.A. 2024. Salty chemical cocktails as water quality signatures: Longitudinal trends and breakpoints along different US streams. Science of the Total Environment. 930,


Maas, C.M., *Kaushal, S.S., Rippy, M.A., Mayer, P.M., Grant, S.B., Shatkay, R.R., Malin, J.T., Bhide, S.V., Vikesland, P., *Krauss, L., Reimer, J.E., Yaculak, A.M. 2023. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11, 1106581.


*Kaushal, S.S., Likens, G.E., Mayer, P.M., Shatkay, R.R., Shelton, S.A., Grant, S.B., Utz, R.M., Yaculak, A.M., Maas, C.M., Reimer, J.E., Bhide, S.V., Malin, J.T., Rippy, M.A. 2023. The anthropogenic salt cycle. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment. 4, 770-784. doi:10.1038/s43017-023-00485-y.


Kaushal S.S.,* Maas, C.M., Mayer, P.M., Newcomer-Johnson, T.A., Grant. S.B., Rippy, M.A., Shatkay, R.R., Leathers, J., Gold, A.J., Smith, C., McMullen, E.C., Haq, S., Smith, R., Duan, S., Malin, J., Yaculak, A., Reimer, J.E., Delaney Newcomb, K., Sides Raley, A., Collison, D.C., Galella, J.G., Grese, M., Sivirichi, G., Doody, T.R., Vikesland, P., Bhide, S.V., Krauss, L., Daugherty, M., Stavrou, C., Etheredge, M., Ziegler, J., Kirschnick, A., England, W., Belt, K.T. 2023. Longitudinal stream synoptic monitoring tracks chemicals along watershed continuums: a typology of trends. Front. Environ. Sci. 11:1122485. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1122485


Kaushal, S.S.,* Mayer, P.M., Likens, G.E., Reimer, J.E., Maas, C.M., Rippy, M.A., Grant, S.B., Hart, I., Utz, R.M.l., Shatkay, R.R., Wessel, B.M., Maietta, C.E., Pace, M.L., Duan S., Boger, W.L., Yaculak, A.M., Galella, J.G., Wood, J.L., Morel, C.J., Nguyen, W., Querubin, S.E.C., Sukert, R.A., Lowein, A., Houde, A.W., Roussel, A., Houston, A.J., Cacopardo, A., Ho, C., Talbot-Wendlandt, H., Widmer, J.M., Slagle, J., Bader, J.A., Chong, J.H., Wollney, J., Kim, J., Shepherd, L., Wilfong, M.T., Houlihan, M., Sedghi, N., Butcher, R., Chaudhary, S., Becker, W.D. 2023. Five state factors control progressive stages of freshwater salinization syndrome. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 22 p.


Krauss, L., Rippy, M.A.* 2022. Adaptive strategy biases in engineered ecosystems: implications for plant community dynamics and the provisioning of ecosystem services to people. People and Nature, 4, 1401-1678.


Rippy, M.A.*, Pierce, G., Feldman, D., Winfrey, B., Mehring, A.S., Holden, P.A., Ambrose, R., Levin, L.A. Perceived services and disservices of natural treatment systems for urban stormwater: Insight from the next generation of designers. 2022. People and Nature, 4, 481–504.,


Grant, S.B.,* Rippy, M.A., Birkland, T.A., Schenk, T., Rowles, K., Misra, S., Aminpour, P., Kaushal, S., Vikesland, P., Berglund, E., Gomez-Velez, J.D., Hotchkiss, E.R., Perez, G., Zhang, H.X., Armstrong, K., Bhide, S.V., *Krauss, L., Maas, C., Mendoza, K., Shipman, C., Zhang, Y., Zhong, Y. Can common pool resource theory catalyze stakeholder-driven solutions to the freshwater salinization syndrome? 2022. Environmental Science and Technology, 56, 13517-13527.


Rugh, M.B., Grant, S.B., Hung, W., Jay, J.A., Parker, E.A., Feraud, M., Li, D., Avasarala, S., Holden, P.A., Liu, H., Rippy, M.A., van de Werfhorst, L.C., Kefela, T., Peng, J., Shao, S., Graham, K.E., Boehm, A.B., Choi, S., Mohanty, S.K., Cao, Y.* 2022. Highly variable removal of pathogens, antibiotic resistance genes, conventional fecal indicators and human-associated fecal source markers in a pilot-scale stormwater biofilter operated under realistic stormflow conditions. 2022. Water Research. 219: 118525.

Rippy, M.A.*, Krauss, L., Pierce, G., Winfrey, B. Plant functional traits and viewer characteristics co-regulate cultural services provisioning by stormwater bioretention. 2021. Ecological Engineering, 106284.


Bhide, S.V., Grant, S.B.*, Parker, E.A., Rippy, M.A., Godrej, A.N., Kaushal, S., Prelewicz, G., Saji, N., Curtis, S., Vikesland, P., Maile-Moskowitz, A., Edwards, M., Lopez, K.G., Birkland, T.A., Schenk, T. Addressing the contribution of indirect potable reuse to inland freshwater salinization. 2021. Nature Sustainability, 1-9,


Pierce, G.*, Gmoser-Daskalakis, K., Rippy, M.A., Holden, P.A., Grant, S.B., Feldman, D.L., Ambrose, R.F. Environmental attitudes and knowledge: Do they matter for support and investment in local stormwater infrastructure? 2021. Society and Natural Resources,


Parker, E. A., Grant, S. B.*, Cao, Y., Rippy, M.A., Kevin, M., Holden, P., Feraud, M., Avasarala, S., Haizhou, L., Hung, W., Rugh, M., Jay, J. A., Peng, J., Shao, S., Li, D. Predicting unsteady pollutant removal in green stormwater infrastructure with transit time distribution theory. 2021, Water Resources Research, 57 (2), e2020WR028579


Pierce, G.*, Gmoser-Daskalakis, K., Jessup, K., Grant, S. B., Mehring, A., Winfrey, B., Rippy, M. A., Feldman, D., Holden, P., Ambrose, R., Levin, L. University stormwater management within urban environmental regulatory regimes: barriers to progressivity or opportunities to innovate? Environmental Management. 2020, ISSN 0364-152X.


Grant, S. B.*, Duong, K., Rippy, M. A., Pierce, G., Feldman, D., Zanetti, E., McNulty, A. From yards to cities: a simple and generalizable probabilistic framework for upscaling outdoor water conservation behavior. Environmental Research Letters. 2020, 15 (5), 054010.


Huang, X; Rippy, M. A; Mehring, A. S.; Winfrey. B. K.; Jiang, S. C.*; Grant, S. B. Shifts in dissolved organic matter and microbial community composition are associated with enhanced removal of fecal pollutants in urban stormwater wetlands. Water Research. 2018, 137, 310-323.


Grant, S. B.,* Azizian, M., Cook, P., Boano, F., Rippy, M. A. Factoring physics into local and global assessments of nitrogen pollution. Science. 2018, 359 (6381), 1266-1269.


Rippy, M. A.; Deletic, A.; Black, J.; Aryal, R.; Lampard, J-L., Tang, J.; McCarthy, D.; Kolotelo, P.;Sidhu, J.; Gernjak, W.* Pesticide occurrence and spatio-temporal variability in urban run-off across Australia. Water Research. 2017, 115, 245-255.


Azizian, M.; Boano, F.; Cook, P. L. M.; Detwiler, R. L.; Rippy, M. A.; Grant, S. B.* Ambient groundwater flow diminishes nitrate processing in the hyporheic zone of streams. Water Resources Research. 2017, 53, 3941–3967.


Parker, E. A.; Rippy, M. A.; Mehring, A.; Winfrey, B.; Ambrose, R. F.; Levin, L. A.; Grant, S. B.* The predictive power of clean bed filtration theory for fecal indicator bacteria removal in biofilters. Environmental Science and Technology. 2017, 51, 5703–5712. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00752


Peng, J.*; Cao, Y.*; Rippy, M. A.; Afrooz, ARM N.; Grant, S. B. Indicator and Pathogen Removal by Low Impact Development Best Management Practices. Water. 2016, 8, 12-24.


Hemati, A.; Rippy, M. A.*; Grant, S. B.; Davis, K.; Feldman, D. Deconstructing demand: the anthropogenic and climatic drivers of urban water consumption. Environmental Science and Technology, 2016, 50, 12557-12566. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b02938.


Mehring, A.S.*; Hatt, B.E.; Kraikittikun, D.; Orelo, B.D.; Rippy, M.A.; Grant, S.B.; Gonzalez, J.P.;Jiang, S.C.; Levin, L.A. Soil invertebrates in Australian rain gardens and their potential roles in storage and processing of nitrogen. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 97, 138-143.


Walsh, C.J.*; Booth, D.B.; Burns, M. J.; Fletcher, T. D.; Hale, R.L.; Hoang, L. N.; Livingston, G.; Rippy, M.A.; Roy, A.H.; Scoggins, M.; Wallace, A. Principles for urban stormwater management to protect stream ecosystems. Freshwater Science. 2016, 35(1), 398-411.


Rippy, M. A.*; Weiden, L.; Cooper, W.; Deletic, A.; Grant, S. B. Microlayer enrichment in natural treatment systems (NTS): linking the surface microlayer to urban water quality. WIREs Water, 2016, 3(2), 269-281. DOI:10.1002/wat2.1128.


Askarizadeh, A.; Rippy, M.A.; Fletcher, T.; Feldman, D.; Peng, J.; Bowler, P.; Mehring, A.; Winfrey, B.;Vrugt, J.; AghaKouchak, A.; Jiang, S.; Sanders, B.; Levin, L.; Taylor, S.; Grant, S.B.* From Rain Tanks to Catchments: Use of Low-Impact Development to Address Hydrologic Symptoms of the Urban Stream Syndrome. Environmental Science and Technology. 2015, 49, 11264-11280.DOI:10.1021/acs.est.5b01635.


Azizian, M.; Grant, S. B.*; Kessler, A.; Cook, P.; Rippy, M. A.; Stewardson, M. Bedforms as biocatalytic filters: a pumping and streamline segregation (PASS) model for nitrate removal in permeable sediments. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015. 49, 10993–11002DOI:10.1021/acs.est.5b01941.


Rippy, M. A.* Meeting the Criteria: linking biofilter design to fecal indicator bacteria removal. WIREs Water. 2015. 2, 577-592. DOI:10.1002/wat2.1093.


Rippy, M. A., Stein, R., Sanders, B., Davis, K., McLaughlin, K., Skinner, J., Kappeler, J., Grant, S. B.*Small drains, big problems: the impact of dry weather runoff on shoreline water quality at enclosed beaches. Environmental Science and Technology. 2014. 48, 14168-14177.


Rippy, M. A.*; Franks, P. J. S.; Feddersen, F.; Guza, R; Warrick, J. A. Beach nourishment impacts on bacteriological water quality and phytoplankton bloom dynamics. Environmental Science and Technology. 2013. 47, 6146-6154.


Rippy, M. A.*; Franks, P. J. S.; Feddersen, F.; Guza, R; Moore, D. F. Factors controlling variability in
nearshore fecal pollution: is mortality important? Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2013. 66, 191-198.


Rippy, M. A.*; Franks, P. J. S.; Feddersen, F.; Guza, R; Moore, D. F. Physical dynamics controlling variability in nearshore fecal pollution: Fecal Indicator Bacteria as passive particles, Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2013. 66, 151-157.

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“All models are wrong, but some are usefull”



Virginia Tech

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